Our 'Learn To Paint' series
Badger drawing tutorial by Leanne Beetham
As a continuation of our ‘Learn to Paint’ series, Hull based mouth painter Leanne Beetham chose to celebrate World Animal Day, on 4th October, by inviting the public to join her in an online drawing tutorial, in which she demonstrated how to draw the European badger.

Leanne is a master at creating stunning animal images and on this occasion she decided to create the tutorial of the badger, in exquisite detail, by drawing it on her tablet for the public to follow along.
The artist said, “I think badgers are amazing, intelligent animals, yet are often overlooked. Perhaps when they are on our doorstep, we take them for granted. Whether it’s an African lion, badger or even a common starling, I think they all deserve our attention, admiration and protection. I always try to approach my artworks with the aim of educating and inspiring. I believe the more we understand something, the more proactive and caring we become and I have found the best way to learn is when you’re having fun, hence the tutorial.”

Leanne’s efforts were shared on the widely viewed World Animal Day website and through their social media channels. The story was also picked up in the Yorkshire Times and Lancashire Times.
Why not take a look at Leanne’s full tutorial, grab a piece of paper and a pencil and have a go at drawing the badger for yourself?
Follow along and tag your artwork on social media at: #PaintwithMFPA.
Follow along and tag your artwork on social media at: #PaintwithMFPA.
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